
Welcome, this site is for presenting my work.

Find more about me here.

The portfolio page is to be filled with finished or playable pieces of work, both from working with others, as well as personal projects. This is the fastest way to see what I’ve done!

The site includes blog updates about work in progress or small tests I have done with different software and/or game engines. Check out the categories at the bottom of the website.

2 thoughts on “Home

    • Hey, all the content from the game should be available in the SDK. You just need to load the package you want to use from the content browser. It seems that it will initially only show stuff in the content browser that is in the level so far.

      Under the ‘Packages’ folder, you can fully load ENV (environment) content from each map to use it’s static meshes/models or materials. Further down from BioticsLab is also Horzine which contains a few crates.

      Hope this helps.


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