Updating my website

Looking at the blog posts, it’s easy to see this website has been neglected for some time. When it comes to game design, I have mostly been working on solo level design as a hobby (when I feel like it) in a bunch of different titles I’m interested in… however obscure they may be.

Most recently that would mean Diabotical. This has been a good title for level design where you can test and reiterate quickly with an in-game level editor for a multitude of different gamemodes. A fun game and welcoming community also keeps up the motivation! I’m even more slowly making my way through projects in other games, too.

Documenting many of the steps while producing work became tedious and for little purpose, especially when I’m not working intently on one project at a time. This means the blog probably won’t see many further updates unless I feel like discovering/documenting something new, digging up something forgotten, or…. another update like this in the future.

I’ve come back to this website to primarily start posting onto my portfolio page again. It was very bare, outdated, and hasn’t represented what I’ve been up to in the past few years. Expect to see some organisation and many new additions to my portfolio as I will be adding complete work – perhaps as well as work in progress or unfinished work over time as I compile it. The majority of this will be level design related.

Thanks for reading!